Central de Monitoramento de Infraestrutura

For being a critical mission environment the Data Center must be monitored 24 hour per day. This new service line from Infra IES will deliver to your clients a bigger security and control of your Data Center.

The Infrastructure Monitoring Central of the environment will allow a wide visualization about: air temperature, humidity, liquids leak, access control and fire fighting detection. This will allow a faster decision making, so there are no losses in the Data Center.

Services offered

  • Infra IES counts with a monitoring team 24x7x365.
  • Technical team specialized in critical mission environment.
  • Any problem identified by the IMC our technical team will call the client for a fast decision making.

IMC Benefits:

  • Reduction of operational costs
  • Performance visibility and availability of the Data Center;
  • Early failure detection.



For being a critical mission environment the Data Center must be monitored 24 hour per day. This new service line from Infra IES will deliver to your clients a bigger security and control of your Data Center.

The Infrastructure Monitoring Central of the environment will allow a wide visualization about: air temperature, humidity, liquids leak, access control and fire fighting detection. This will allow a faster decision making, so there are no losses in the Data Center.

Services offered

  • Infra IES counts with a monitoring team 24x7x365.
  • Technical team specialized in critical mission environment.
  • Any problem identified by the IMC our technical team will call the client for a fast decision making.

IMC Benefits:

  • Reduction of operational costs
  • Performance visibility and availability of the Data Center.
  • Early failure detection.



